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Flutter ListView vs ListView.builder – Differences and Code Examples

March 5, 2025 | by Adesh Yadav

Flutter ListView vs ListView.builder ​–​ Differences​ and ⁢Code Examples

As a Flutter developer, ‍choosing ⁤the ‍right widget ⁤for rendering lists is crucial ​for a smooth user experience. Two ⁣commonly ​used widgets for displaying lists ⁤in⁢ Flutter are ListView and ListView.builder. While they serve the same purpose, they differ in​ implementation and performance. This‌ article delves into the differences between these ‌two widgets, ‍providing you ⁢with the knowlege ‍to make informed ⁢decisions⁤ in your Flutter apps.

Understanding​ ListView in Flutter

The ‍ ListView widget ⁤is a scrollable list that allows you to display multiple​ items. It ​creates ‌a widget for every item ​in the list at once. This means that if you have a large dataset,using ListView can become⁢ inefficient as it consumes more memory and creates many widgets together.

ListView Constructor

The⁢ ListView constructor can ⁣take children​ as a list⁤ of widgets. Here’s⁢ a ⁤simple ​example:

children: [
ListTile(title: Text('Item 1')),
ListTile(title: text('Item 2')),
ListTile(title: Text('Item 3')),

Understanding ListView.builder in Flutter

The ListView.builder constructor is a⁤ more‍ efficient way to ⁢create a scrolling⁤ list⁤ of widgets. It builds ⁤lazily, meaning it only constructs the widgets that are visible on the screen, which is especially useful for long lists. This improves performance and ‍reduces⁢ memory usage.

ListView.builder Constructor

The ListView.builder constructor requires an itemCount and an itemBuilder function. here’s how you can implement it:

itemCount: 100,
itemBuilder: (BuildContext context,int index) {
return ListTile(title: Text('Item $index'));

Key Differences Between⁣ ListView and ListView.builder

Feature ListView ListView.builder
Children requires‌ a complete list of widgets Builds widgets‌ lazily on​ demand
Performance Slower ⁣with large datasets Faster with large datasets
memory Usage Higher memory usage Lower memory usage
Use Case Small and ⁤static lists Large or dynamic lists

Benefits ​of Using ListView.builder

Opting for ListView.builder over‌ ListView comes with⁤ several advantages:

  • performance: It uses less ⁣memory,making your app run smoother.
  • Scalability: Ideal for‌ large datasets where items are⁢ dynamically created.
  • Efficiency: Only ‌builds the widgets that need to be displayed in⁢ the viewport.

Practical Tips for Using ListView and ListView.builder

  • For​ small, static lists, use ListView ⁢ for simplicity.
  • For large datasets that change over time, prefer ListView.builder to avoid performance degradation.
  • Use ListView.separated if you need to‌ add separators between the items in your lists. This constructor provides built-in separation logic.

Case Study: Performance Comparison

Consider a scenario where you need to display a ‌list of 1,000 items. If⁢ you use ListView, the app might ⁤lag during scrolling as it attempts to​ create and display ⁢all 1,000 widgets, leading to performance issues. Conversely, using ListView.builder would only build visible items ⁢and ⁤a few ⁤off-screen items, ensuring smooth ‌scrolling.

Real-world Experience with ListView vs ListView.builder

In a⁢ recent project, I had to ‌implement⁣ a chat application that displayed up to​ thousands⁣ of messages. I began with ListView, but quickly faced⁤ performance issues when users scrolled thru long conversations. Switching to ListView.builder substantially improved the scrolling‌ experience, and⁢ users noticed nearly instantaneous loading times ​for their message history.


When it comes to choosing between ‍ ListView and ListView.builder, it ‍ultimately depends⁢ on your specific use case. For small lists with static content,ListView ⁣ is straightforward and effective. Though, if you’re dealing with larger, dynamic datasets, ⁤make the wise choice of‌ using⁤ ListView.builder for optimal performance and user experience. Understanding these differences not only enhances your Flutter⁣ growth skills but also ​improves app‌ quality.


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