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what is cubit in flutter

February 15, 2025 | by Adesh Yadav

What is Cubit in Flutter? A Thorough Guide

What is Cubit‍ in ⁣Flutter?

Flutter has gained immense popularity among developers for creating​ gorgeous and responsive applications for mobile, web, and desktop. One of the key concepts in Flutter‌ development ‌is state management,and this is where‍ Cubit comes into play. ‍In this⁤ article, we’ll explore ⁤what Cubit is, how it fits ⁢into state management, its benefits, practical ⁢tips for implementation, and more.

Understanding State Management in Flutter

Before diving‍ into Cubit, let’s ⁤briefly understand state management ⁤in Flutter. ⁤state management is the way we handle changes⁢ in the app’s state, ensuring that the UI ⁢reflects these changes seamlessly.

Various ‍approaches ‍to state ‍management exist in Flutter, including:

  • Provider
  • Bloc
  • riverpod
  • GetX
  • Cubit

Among these, Cubit offers a simple and effective way to manage state​ without the complexity of more extensive⁣ solutions like Bloc.

What⁢ is Cubit?

Cubit is a ‌lightweight state management solution ‍that is part of the‌ Bloc library created by Felix Angelov. Cubit provides a simplified ⁤API, making it easier for ⁣developers⁣ to manage and ⁤emit states⁢ within‍ their applications. Unlike Bloc, which ⁢requires events to trigger state changes, Cubit allows for a more straightforward approach ‍where ‍developers simply call methods to update ‍the ​state.

Key Features of Cubit

  • Simplicity: Cubit’s ‍API is straightforward,making it easy ⁤to ​learn and integrate⁣ into ⁢Flutter⁣ applications.
  • Minimal Boilerplate: Unlike other state management‌ solutions, Cubit minimizes the amount of boilerplate code, allowing ‌for cleaner codebases.
  • Strong Performance: Cubit’s design focuses on efficient ⁢state updates,​ which can lead to better performance in ⁢applications.
  • Testability: ⁢Cubit promotes test-driven development⁢ by allowing ​you⁣ to easily test states ‍without complex setups.

Setting Up Cubit in a Flutter Application

To implement Cubit in your Flutter application, ‌follow these steps:

Step 1: Add Dependencies

First, you need‍ to add the⁢ required dependencies in your pubspec.yaml file:

sdk:⁤ flutter
‍ flutter_bloc: ^8.0.0⁣ # Use the latest version

Step 2: ⁤Create⁢ a‌ Cubit Class

Create ⁢a new class that extends Cubit. this class‍ will hold the current state ⁣and provide methods to emit new states.

import ‘package:flutter_bloc/flutter_bloc.dart’;

class ⁢CounterCubit extends Cubit ‍{
CounterCubit() : super(0); // initial state

void increment() => emit(state + 1);
void decrement() => emit(state⁢ – ⁣1);

Step 3: Provide⁢ the cubit

Wrap your application (or a ‌part ‍of it)​ with the BlocProvider to make ⁤the Cubit ‌available to child widgets:

import ‘package:flutter/material.dart’;
import ‘package:flutter_bloc/flutter_bloc.dart’;

void main()⁣ {
‌ runApp(MyApp());

class⁢ MyApp ⁣extends StatelessWidget ⁣{
⁣ Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return BlocProvider(
create: (context) => CounterCubit(),
child: MaterialApp(
‍ home: CounterScreen(),
⁣ );

Step 4: Consuming the cubit

Use BlocBuilder to rebuild your ⁣widgets when the Cubit state changes:

class CounterScreen extends‌ StatelessWidget {
⁢ @override
Widget build(BuildContext ​context) {
‍ return Scaffold(
⁤appBar: AppBar(title: Text(‘Cubit Counter’)),
‌ ‍ body: Centre(
​ child: BlocBuilder(
⁢ ‌ builder: (context, count) ‌{
return Text(‘Current count: ‍$count’);
‍ ​ ),
​ floatingActionButton: Row(
⁤ children:[[
⁤ ⁣ floatingactionbutton(
‍ ‍ onPressed: () =>,
⁢ tooltip: ‘Decrement’,
‌ ⁢ ​ child: Icon(Icons.remove),
​ ‍ ),
⁣ ​ SizedBox(width: 20),
⁢ ⁢ ‌ ​ FloatingActionButton(
​ onPressed: () => ​,
⁣ ‍⁢ ​ tooltip: ‘Increment’,
⁤ ⁢ ‍child: Icon(Icons.add),
⁣ ),
‍⁣ ⁢ ],
⁣ ‍ ),
⁢ );
⁢ }

Benefits of ⁢Using Cubit

Utilizing Cubit in your Flutter applications⁤ offers several advantages:

  • Simplicity: Its straightforward approach makes it suitable for both beginners⁤ and experienced‍ developers.
  • Reduced‍ Boilerplate Code: Less code leads‌ to‌ fewer errors and enhances maintainability.
  • Scalability: Cubit can easily be scaled up for more complex applications without losing its⁢ simplicity.
  • Improved ⁢Collaboration: Teams ⁣can work more effectively ⁢with clear,concise implementations.

Practical Tips for Implementing Cubit

Here are some valuable tips for effectively using Cubit in your Flutter applications:

  • Keep ⁣States Simple: Onyl store essential data ⁤in your ‌states to avoid performance issues.
  • Combine with Repository Pattern: Use the repository⁣ pattern for managing‍ data sources and​ keep your ⁤Cubit ‍lean.
  • Utilize Equatable: implement Equatable to compare states‌ without⁢ boilerplate ​code.
  • Testing: Make testing a priority by writing ​unit tests for your Cubit logic to ensure stability.

common ​Use cases ⁣for Cubit

Cubit is particularly effective ‍in scenarios‍ where:

Use Case Description
Simple Applications Small apps with⁢ straightforward state requirements‌ where simplicity is key.
Forms Managing⁣ the states of user inputs, validations, and submission responses.
Counter Apps Classic examples demonstrating how Cubit handles incremental ⁣or decremental logic.

Case‍ Studies and Real-World Applications

Several‌ projects have ‌successfully leveraged Cubit for their state management needs. ​Here are some ⁢notable examples:

  • Todo Lists: A straightforward task manager utilizing ‍Cubit‍ to‌ maintain ⁢the ​list state.
  • game Score Trackers: ⁤ Applications ​for tracking‌ scores utilize Cubit to manage real-time updates efficiently.
  • E-commerce Applications: These apps often use Cubit for managing user sessions, cart states, ‌and checkout ​processes.


Cubit is an excellent choice for Flutter developers looking for a simple yet effective state management solution. With its minimal‍ boilerplate, strong performance, and ease of use, it appeals to both ​newcomers and​ seasoned developers alike. By incorporating Cubit into your Flutter ⁢applications, you can ⁤create clean, maintainable code that scales well. Remember to keep your states simple, utilize​ proper ⁤testing practices, and experiment with the ⁢powerful features Cubit offers. Happy ⁣coding!



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